Wednesday, August 22, 2012

For I Am

My dearest boy,
   Today you are Eight. Eight!
      I am not sure where the last 8 years have gone or how we possibly have arrived at this point.  I want you to know how very proud of you I am. You have come so far and accomplished so much. I love you more than words could ever express.
    From the very moment you were placed in my arms I was deeply enamored with you. The brightness of your soul was unmatched in any child I had ever seen before. I spent hours staring at you and breathing you in.
    You ran with such energy as a toddler. you climbed everything around you including an 8 foot backstop at only 8 months old. I should have known then you were extraordinary.
    Minutes turned into hours, which turned into days, which turned into weeks...months...years. Here we are now.
    You have your challenges and it can sometimes challenge our connection. I hope someday you read this blog and see how very much I love you. Don't ever doubt that every choice I have made was for you. I love you you Sam I am more than I can even find the words to express. I adore you, simply because you are awesome and amazing to me, even on the bad days. You are filled with awesome like no one I have ever met.

I promise you I will always be on your side. I am in your corner like no one else. You are my gift, and I hope someday you feel as though I was your as well.
   Thank you for being my son.
