Or in this case a dark and stormy morning.*enter dreamy sound with slow fade into a flashback*
So it all began yesterday at summer program, Sammy ate play-dough. For those of you reading this ( an I assume people are) play-dough has gluten in it. Giving Sammy gluten is like setting off a time bomb inside of him. He does not have celiacs, however, a lot of kids on the spectrum react badly to gluten and even casein. Sammy seems fine with limited dairy but gluten is an all out NO!
It happened though even though they were really trying to make sure it didn't happen. So today you could see in his eyes that it was going to be bad. I let him wear jammies to school but managed to talk him out of snow boots. He did however wear his pirate wellies. Good compromise! He wasn't thrilled about going to school but managed to get in the van without major melt down. A few short screams that his pants made him crazy and a minor flap session over his pants leg that came out of his boot.
We get to school a few minutes too early so we wait in the car.Immediately he starts bouncing around the car and wanting to get out. It's raining here today and I really didn't want to stand in the rain. I kept him distracted as best i could but then another child was in view so out of the car we went.
Everything seemed fine until the teachers came out and I saw he had his brothers harry potter wand (also known as a weapon in Sammy's world) So i had to remove it from him. Yup that did it. Put him right over the edge. Sam hid under my shirt and as I handed him over to the teacher he started punching and kicking. I walked away because I know I only make things worse on days like today. I sat in my car and watched the poor teacher struggle to get him in the door, but he went.
I hope he has a better day then he did morning.