Friday, August 1, 2008

wonderful summer days

Daniel took the day off today so we could spend a little time together as a family, What with my work schedule and his we have barely seen each other more than an hour some days not even at all.

we took the kids to Borderland State Park. What a beautiful place. rolling landscapes, historical facts, a castle, and bugs! The parking machine was broken so parking was free BONUS! (usually its 2$ a car)at the visitors center you can get a bug net, a magnifying glass, a bug box and a book. you get to keep the book, the rest you borrow so you can catch dragonflies and other such creatures as the children see fit. YAY. In the book there are places for the stamps of each state park in MA and when you get them all you get a tee shirt. adventure I say.

Aj caught one dragon fly. we also found a weird Caterpillar that hissed and looked like it had an eye on its bum, a weird lump of moths that were both alive and dead, a horsefly, and a fire ant. Nate discovered the joy of rocks and the fountain. and I got to snuggle up next to my honey while walking the paths enjoying nature. It was truly a wonderful day

Until we got to Dicks Sporting Goods. We had to buy cleats for Sam and AJ since their soccer starts tomorrow. there is a track around the shoe department which Sam was running happily. I could see him just about all the way around except for when he would go behind one display. 3 seconds later he would come out the other end and that was the way it was. until lap 15 or so when he didn't come out after 3 or 5 or 7 at that point I walk over (all of about 6 steps) and sam is GONE! like no where to be seen GONE. I started calling for him the boys are looking for him I panic inside and feel like I am going to throw up. they shut down the store call CODE ADAM and we still can't find him. We are calling his name and all I can think is that "he doesn't know enough to tell me where he is" he wasn't going to answer us. by this point my older two are racing through the store looking in racks and under things and inside displays. dan takes off outside with nate to see if sammy left the store and its now been 4 minutes. I still can't find him and I am still calling his name all the while wondering why the hell I don't just shut up. I keep wondering whose high pitched shrieky voice that is... until I realise that it is in fact my own voice. I bite my lip and start to cry. 5 minutes. still no sam. I am getting the manager of the store to call the police and then someone asks "did you check the bathrooms?" 6 minutes still no sign of sam. I race through the store full sprint praying "dear god please just let him be there, just let him be ok and I swear I will never complain about the cross I bear with him ever again" 7 minutes... he comes out of the bathroom completely shocked and wondering what the fuss was all about. no clue. he is half naked and hopping up and down "i need you wipe sammy bum mum,bum mum bum mum" and I giggle and cry and get angry and cry more. call off the code adam buy the cleats and decide I need a trophy for the worst mom of the year award.
the beautiful flowers you can find all over the park grounds
wonderhubby with the boys.
nate and the discovery of rocks and the fountain. (he kept trying to get in)
bug hunters
in the castle