since day one I have warned the school that sammy can be violent and unpredictable. they thought I was crazy and overly negative. so i sat back and let them think what they wanted to. well...
apparently he hurt a little boy in his class over a toy. The teacher sugar coated it as much as she could but i can see that she will soon be telling me he needs new placement. I tried talking to sam about hitting at school and that if he keeps hurting people they wont let him go there. his response "Sammy stay home play games?" like it was a good thing... i was stunned! and I tried not to laugh. hysterical way of looking at it. like hey ok, so if I hit there is no school then I can stay home and play lego star wars
we went to ocean state job lot today to get a new toilet brush and bought a ton of GF flours and stuff for special occasion treats. I try to stay away from all the grains and starches for sam since we do try our best to stay compliant with the specific carb diet. but it's hard and almond flour just isnt quite the same to bake with. so his super special treats I make with Teff, and amaranth flour. it's more money than regular flour but cheaper than almond flour.
we also found freeze dried fruit. YUM and a great snack. it does have sugar so sam cant have a ton of it but once in a while it's ok. i also got some extra large lock lid containers to store my flour and sugar in. yay me!