Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I am so grateful my kids all get along so well. The older kids like each other (most of the time) Nate and Grace are best of friends. Sammy adores Grace and is looking forward to the new baby coming in just a few short weeks. (By the way if you tried to get to my guessing came from this post, you need to put "squishguessgame in the left hand side of the page where it asks if you have been invited to play. So far we only have 3 entries other than mine.)

today Grace walked over to Sam and wrapped her little arms around him and told him she loved him. He smiled and ruffled her hair. It was so sweet. So many families spend their time fighting, I am grateful mine do not. It isn't always roses. Nate figured out how to really annoy Sam and set him off. Sam goes after Nate sometimes too.  They are after all human children.