Saturday, December 10, 2011

momentary quiet

All the children are still sleeping at it is 7:10am. SCORE. seriously now that I have said this I am sure one will be screaming shortly. I have enjoyed my coffee and my prayer time and I enjoyed it so much. Today is my Oldest son's first tournament of the wrestling season. It should be challenging for everyone because it is a memorial tournament for a fellow classmate that died last year in a car accident. The entire team was hard hit and heart broken. This year they are putting into forward momentum.

I read a post over at A diary of a mom yesterday that derailed me. it made me ill. It is disturbing and apparently a recent trend. I searched it on Google and was sickened by the avalanche of information on special needs children killed by their parents. My heart hurts and I cannot seem to wrap my head around it. I feel even more determined to make the Sandcastle Respite theory happen.

After reading all of it I began to think about the part we all play within the autism community and what people think about our lives when they read our words. I don't sugar coat it and I wonder how people see this blog. My husband referred to it as dark. That really isn't where this started for me.

In case it is ever in question. I am frustrated, I am furious, I am sad and I am sometimes overwhelmed. But make no mistake I love my life. I love my son. I am grateful to have him and his sparkle in my world. I wouldn't want to ever be without him. I appreciate and love and am constantly amazed by my Sammy. I wouldn't go so far as to say I wouldn't change him, because I would. I would love to rid him of his demons. I want to fix things not to make him somehow more palatable by society but to make his life easier to swallow for him. I hate to watch him struggle. My frustration and sadness isn't over the stress it causes me..its because of what it does to him. As a mother I hate to see my babies hurt, and Sammy often hurts and there is no way to reach him in those moments and that, that breaks my heart.

I have felt desperate and lost and crazy but never one did the idea of killing my child occur to me.  Granted, Sammy speaks, Sammy cuddles, Sammy has so many positives I could go on for days and bore you all to tears with the awesomeness of my little man.

If you are a parent of a special kid and you are struggling. Find someone to reach out to. Talk to someone. This isn't the end of the world. I promise you even if it feels dark and twisty right now, it won't always be that way. Here are some resources, use them if you need to.

Autism Speaks resource Guide
Autism Society by State

and if nothing else read Welcome to the Club and know you are not alone